Sunday, December 27, 2009

Scott Brown Opens WMass Campaign Headquarters

Scott Brown, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, was in attendance for the Grand Opening of his Holyoke Campaign Headquarters yesterday. Brown was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of well-wishers and volunteers – the event was standing room only. Anyone who wishes to volunteer, contact Brown for Senate at 781-444-0200

In addtion, there are four more debates schduled:

January 6, 7 PM - WGBH/Boston Globe/New England Cable News/WBUR Debate
January 8, 7 pm - WGBY Springfield Debate
January 10, 10 am - WCVB/CNN Debate
January 11, 7 pm - Edward M. Kennedy Institute Debate (University of MA, Boston)

For more information visit: Scott Brown for Senate

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chicopee, MA, Ward 8 City Council Primary Results – David Schryver Wins Place on Ballot – Will Face Incumbent Demers in November Election.

Fromthe Springfield Republican, David Schryver, will face incumbent Donald Demers in the November election. The primary turnout was low, with only thirteen percent of registered voters casting ballots. The City primary is bi-partisan; the two candidates receiving the highest votes face off in the general election. A profile of David Schryver was recently printed in the Chicopee Register, a copy of the article appears below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

City of Chicopee Primary for Ward 8 to be held September 15

The City of Chicopee will be holding a primary on September 15, 2009 for Ward 8 City Council: More information is available at City of Chicopee, Registrar of Voters. This is a non-partisan primary.

David Schryver Campaign Stand-Outs for Ward 8 City Counsil Seat Planned

David Schryver's campaign will be holding a standouts Labor Day Weekend. David is a candidate for the Ward 8, Chicopee City Counsil. For more information contact David directly at

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fund Raiser for Mark McAuliffe, Ward 2 City Council Scheduled for Thursday September 17

There will be "Spaghetti Fundraiser to elect Mark McAuliffe Ward 2 City Council" on Thursday, September 17 at 4:30pm.

Start Time: Thursday, September 17 at 4:30pm
End Time: Thursday, September 17 at 7:30pm
Where: American Legion Post 452. 43 Exchange Street. 4:30 pm Till 7:00. $10.00 per person $6.00 seniors and kids. For tickets call 592-6873

Sunday, July 26, 2009

City of Chicopee August Events

The following list of events will take place in the City of Chicopee, Massachuestts during the month of August.

  • 8/3, 8/10, 8/17: First Time Home Buyers Workshop: Chicopee Public Library

  • 8/3: US Air Force Band Concert: Szot Park

  • 8/4: City Council meeting, 7:15 City Hall Annex

  • 8/5: Blood Pressure and Health Counseling Clinic for Seniors , Chicopee Public Library

  • 8/6: Town Hall Meeting with Deval Patrick, Chicopee Public Library (6:30 to 8:30 PM)

  • For more event listings visit: Chicopee Public Library Events Calendar

    Upcoming Republican Party Event - Western Mass Republicans Annual Picnic Features Christy Mihos and Charlie Baker

    The Western Mass Republicans Annual Family Picnic and Barbecue will be held on July 31st, from 5 to 9 pm, at the West Springfield, MA Elks Pavilion on Morgan Road.
    Chairman Kevin Jordain, WMR Chairman, noted “several statewide and regional Republican candidates for the November 2009 and 2010 ballots and various party activists will be in attendance for the picnic which is planned and organized to recognize hard work in the promotion of Republicanism, facilitate social networking and discuss important issues for our community and society at large. Both gubernatorial candidates on the Republican side, Charlie Baker and Christy Mihos, have indicated that they are coming and will be speaking to the crowd.”
    For more information, contact Kevin Jourdain at 413-538-5519 or by e-mail at

    Sunday, June 28, 2009

    City of Chicopee, Massachusetts Events July

    City of Chicopee Events July

    July 2-5 Chicopee Fest of All is a four day event, open to the public, featuring fun for the entire family. Location: Szot Park, Information :Chicopee Fest of All
    July 2The Chicopee River Watershed Council will meet the 1st Thursday of each month. Public is welcome. Conference Room, Chicopee Public Library 6:30pm.
    Chicopee Massachusetts Republican Committee Meeting: TBA

    For more events during the month of July, visit: City of Chicopee Events Calendar.

    Chicopee, Massachusetts in the News

    Derek Morrison has been hired as the new Principal of Chicopee Comprehensive High School – story continues: Masslive.
    “Hundreds Turn Out For Chicopee funeral of Army Sgt. Kevin Dupont, who died following explosion in Afghanistan” – Mass Live.

    Thursday, June 11, 2009

    David Schryver Announces Candidacy for Ward 8 Chicopee City Counsil

    David Schryver, a long-time resident of the City of Chicopee, recently announced his candidacy for Ward 8 City Council. For more information email:
    David Schryver

    Friday, June 5, 2009

    State Senator Brian Lees to Host Fundraiser for Adam Lamontagne

    There will be a fundraiser for Ward 1 School Committee Incumbent, Adam D. Lamontagne, hosted by State Senator Brian Lees. The event will take place on June 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Willimansette Heights Improvement League., Chicopee MA. The address is 118 Mt. Vernon Road, Chicopee, MA. All interested persons are invited to attend.

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009

    Chicopee Massachusetts Republican Committee Upcoming Events

    The next meeting of the Chicopee Republican Committee will take place in September, date, TBA. Information on upcoming events, including voters registration drives, community events and fundraisers for the Committee and individual candidates will be posted as dates are confirmed.

    Thursday, May 28, 2009

    City Republican Committee - 2009 Candidates

    There are currently three Republican Candidates running for municipal offices in the City of Chicopee. They are: Adam Lamontagne (Incumbent) School Committee of ward 1, Mark McAuliffe- City Council ward 2, and
    Chuck Swider (Incumbent)- City Council ward 2. This blog will be updated as additional Republican candidates are announced.