Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chicopee, MA, Ward 8 City Council Primary Results – David Schryver Wins Place on Ballot – Will Face Incumbent Demers in November Election.

Fromthe Springfield Republican, David Schryver, will face incumbent Donald Demers in the November election. The primary turnout was low, with only thirteen percent of registered voters casting ballots. The City primary is bi-partisan; the two candidates receiving the highest votes face off in the general election. A profile of David Schryver was recently printed in the Chicopee Register, a copy of the article appears below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

City of Chicopee Primary for Ward 8 to be held September 15

The City of Chicopee will be holding a primary on September 15, 2009 for Ward 8 City Council: More information is available at City of Chicopee, Registrar of Voters. This is a non-partisan primary.

David Schryver Campaign Stand-Outs for Ward 8 City Counsil Seat Planned

David Schryver's campaign will be holding a standouts Labor Day Weekend. David is a candidate for the Ward 8, Chicopee City Counsil. For more information contact David directly at